What Airport Security Can Teach Us About Healthcare
So there we were, waiting in the airport security line, and the reason… a computer glitch. And not just some computer glitch, it was a...
It’s fall and all the emergency rooms are in bloom
I have noticed lately that there have been a bunch of “Emergency Rooms” cropping up and I wondered, is something bad happening around...
How To Tell If You Will Die in The Next Ten Years…
Look into my fuzzy crystal ball… I see a treadmill in your future! What if there was a test that could tell you if you were at a...
A great resource!
For those that keep asking the new book is almost finished. A lot of advocacy resources will be included. Here is one for those of you...
Hell and High Water
Ten years ago today I was in a predeployment mode and staged in Northwestern Louisiana with TXTF-1 USAR. I sat with my colleagues Stan...
TAMU Flyer
CAVEAT EMPTOR! Follow the "Prepare To Defend Yourself" series promoting individual health and social advocacy empowerment Check out:...
Texas Book Consortium
TAMUBlog #text
C-Span Hospital Preparedness
Thanks to the Hudson Institute