Speaking Government or Making Sense of Emergency Declarations
If you have been following the news about COVID-19, you are probably already thinking, “Based on the terminology, I’m guessing this is...
Mass–k Confusion about Coronavirus, or “Who is that masked man/woman?”
To paraphrase the catchphrase from the Lone Ranger, that is a pretty good question. The current discussions of mask-wearing relative to...
Guidance for Home Infection Control
There are a lot of questions coming in about what to do if someone in your home is "isolated" for COVID-19. How do you prepare for that?...
Who you gonna call?
I have received a number of inquiries from readers about how to contact their health department, especially surrounding the COVID-19...
Medical Monday with Deborah Duncan
As always, a warm gracious and informed host. https://www.khou.com/article/entertainment/television/programs/great-day-houston/dr-matthew...
Great Day Houston
Dr. Matthew Minson, author of Prepare To Defend Yourself… How To Age Gracefully And Escape With Your Dignity discussed how older age...
PBS TAMU Bookmark Broadcast
Thanks so much to the wonderful host Christine Brown and the good folks at TAMU, TAMUpress, and PBS.
Great Day Houston with Deborah Duncan
Thanks again for the warm hospitality and conversation. Check out - Great Day Houston on KHOU Channel 11. www.khou.com/greatday
Thanks to Deborah Duncan and all the folks at Great Day Houston
Really enjoyed the conversation and being included on the Hot Topics panel. What a wonderful host and crew.
Oh Harvey, what did we ever do to you?
So... I am seeing a whole lot of cleanup activity. It is heartening. It is a testament to the spirit of the people of the Texas and...